Archive for the ‘ Design ’ Category

Tales from the Kitchen: Nike Free

The story of Nike Free goes back a long way. Follow Nike Innovation Director Tobie Hatfield along his journey to create it, and get a glimpse into the Nike Innovation Kitchen.

Joey Essex for Supreme by @Everypeoples

Joey Essex for Supreme from Everypeoples on Vimeo.

Joey Essex for Supreme

Everypeoples 2012

Gourmet Films Presents A Day at Liquipel

Gourmet Films Presents A Day at Liquipel from Gourmet Footwear on Vimeo.

“When I think back about all the pinnacle moments in my life from an inspiration standpoint, hearing Wu-Tang for the first time or watching Danny Way skateboard in person or Godfather 2 or buying the my first cell phone (Motorola Star-Tac) or interviewing Jonathan Ward from ICON, the same feeling on discovery and pure joy runs through my veins. When I met Kevin and Danny from Liquipel, it all crept back to me. We are talking about 2 guys in there 20’s that are about to change a standard. On the level of Velcro!”

Take a look at the scratching of the surface with there Liquipel brand….

Directed by: Jon Buscemi
Film/Edit: Nate King

Nokia : Flexible User Interface Prototype…

At the Nokia World show, the Finnish mobile phone maker showed off its “Nokia kinetic device” with a flexible display. Gripped with two hands, it would scroll through music collections or photo albums when twisted. Bowing it inward or outward zoomed photos in and out or paused and played music, while tapping the corners panned through photos.

While it was a real computing device with a real OLED display, it’s most definitely not a real product anyone could buy today. More firmly in the prototype category was a related flexible device that looked like a slim remote control; it could be controlled with a single hand.

Tapani Jokinen, who began working on the technology about two years ago as part of a Nokia group tasked with creating designs out of earlier-stage research, wouldn’t say either when he thinks it’ll come to market or how it worked.

But Chris Bower, stationed nearby at Nokia’s “Future Lounge,” had some ideas. He was showing an experimental apparatus with a bundle of carbon nanotubes in a flexible elastomer medium. The electrical resistance of the nanotubes changes as they’re stretched, and measurements of the change let a computer control how a map zoomed in and out. The same approach could be used to control the flexible interface.

Jokinen was reluctant to predict whether it might become as widespread as multitouch user interfaces are today.


Steripen : Portable Water Purifier

SteriPEN harnesses the brilliant power of ultraviolet light to make water safe to drink. It’s the same technology used by leading bottled water manufacturers, as well as major cities in the U.S., Europe and Asia to purify water.

Extensive testing has proven SteriPEN to be safe and effective, eliminating over 99.9% of bacteria, viruses and protozoa that cause water-borne illness. SteriPEN has earned the water quality association’s gold seal, certifying its effectiveness.

Monolith: iPhone 4 Case & Pocket Projector…

Japanese accessory maker called Century started selling the “monolith” [JP] today, a case for the iPhone 4, a 1,900mAh battery, and a mini projector rolled into one (it’s still unclear if the device works with the iPhone 4S as well). The monolith is sized at 63.5×126.6×22mm and weighs 97g.

Century says that users can expect images sized at up to 60cm (in 16:9 format), in 640×360 resolution, with a 1,000:1 contrast ratio, and with 12 lumens brightness.

According to the company, the battery provides enough juice for 3 hours of projector usage and takes about 4 hours to fully charge. Without the projector, the in-case battery can add 50% to the life of the iPhone battery.

AT-AT Dog…

Trace Tab…

TRACE TAB. The illuminated Trace Tab allows you to trace anywhere at any time. Perfect for Tattoo Artists, Graphic Desingers, Animators, Product Designers and Architects.


PressPausePlay : Official Trailer


‘The Process’ by 686 Technical Apparel

The Process from 686 Technical Apparel on Vimeo.

Take a look at an in depth behind the scenes of how the jackets made and tested.