Posts Tagged ‘ Miami ’

LUTHER ‘2 Live Crew’ CAMPBELL For Miami Mayor

Former 2 Live Crew member Luther Campbell, who just happens to be a Miami New Times columnist, opened up his latest article with a shameless plug and campaign pitch.

Since he announced his candidacy for mayor for Miami-Dade County, he’s been challenged with proving he can do the job. This is what he had to say:

“I’ve thought about running for public office before, but someone would always end up talking me out of it, saying, ‘We have this good person here, he will do good for the community,’ so I always backed out,” he said. “But I’d end up frustrated because they didn’t do anything. I’d give them ideas and they would just tell me what they wanted to hear.

“I get in my car, ride around Liberty City, and everything looks the same as when I was in the neighborhood growing up,” he continued, detailing the factors that motivated him to run for mayor. “I see the same crimes in the same areas. Officers and residents are still getting killed in the community I grew up in. I go to a city like Atlanta that has sensible affordable housing, and no one is being murdered. I go to Miami International Airport and see the same construction that has been going on for like a hundred years. All of that frustrates the hell out of me. Why aren’t we getting it right in Miami-Dade? Why is our government only serving one set of people? That’s what is pushing me to run.”

Luke is just showing his readers, haters, and fans that he is very much capable and intelligent enough to do the job. He’s commented on politics and other issues within the community via the paper, but that’s about where his experience stops.